Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dennis Kucinich Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against GWB


Unknown said...

On June 19, 2008, we launched a new portal site Our mission is to support the Grass Roots Movement created by outraged citizens who support the 18 million Americans who placed their trust in a democratic system that betrayed us.

As is standard practice in Internet marketing, we have placed a link to your site on ours and we ask you to place our banner on your site.
Get our logo here: (Right click to save the logo.) Please link our logo back to

We are attempting to get a headcount to determine the size of this movement. Please let us know the number of your members, we would really appreciate it.

United we stand! Thanks for your time and support.

Garrett Atherton said...

Check out Bonnie Erbe's article on "Obama's Fundraising Hypocrisy"